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Visual Artist and Arts Health & Wellbeing Practitioner
Kuntel/Gather (2021-22)
"Kuntel/Gather (‘Kuntel’ being the Cornish word for Gather) was a 3-week remote participatory project which invited residents of Germoe and the St. Germoe Church congregation to gather, share and celebrate their personal experiences, knowledge, and memories of the village through the creation of a concertina sketchbook and tin embossing representing their ‘most meaningful place in the village’. These responses, as well as data collected via an anonymous questionnaire and group interview were used to create a collaborative community ‘map’ and booklet.
The final outcomes (booklet and banner) will be displayed in St. Germoe Church from June 2022 (date TBC)."
Greta Ayto Art 2022
Click here to view the e-version of the booklet
·91% of participants would recommend the project to others
73% of participants felt that the project made them feel more connected to others
82% said the project made them feel a 'sense of belonging'
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